Our commitment to quality provides the right platform for success. Our clients work directly with senior staff throughout the life of the project. All of our clients are a priority irrespective of size. Your project is just as important to us, as it is to you.


PB Tech Consulting we are dedicated to quality. It is through offering our own expertise in various consulting services and maintaining an ongoing system of quality review that we offer you value added professional services.

Fixed Asset Management

One of our key products is the provision of Fixed Assets Management Solutions. We do offer a number fixed assets management services and these include:

• Supply of various types of barcode labels that suits client’s environment

o Aluminium barcode labels (Full Color)
o Aluminium barcode labels (Black & White)
o Silver void barcode labels
o Thermal Vinyl barcode labels

• Physical verification and affixing of barcode labels
• Fixed Assets Register Services (i.e. Fixed Assets Register Reconciliation and establishing of a New Fixed Assets Register)
• Supply of Barcode Readers for Fixed Assets Management
• Supply of various Barcode Labels Printers
• Supply of fixed assets management software